Monday, December 21, 2009


A while back, a read a post somewhere about 'the yoga teacher voice'. The writer was wondering why? Why talk in that funny, faux-soothing, smooth, new-agey, yoga voice while teaching? Why do teachers do it? (confession: I do it too!).

Today, I had my answer: It actually adds a necessary element to the class. Used in moderation, it adds character.

Technically, there was nothing wrong with the 30 minute Power Yoga #1 sequence I did today. I liked the poses, I liked the flow, I liked the sequencing. Even the timing was perfect.

But it was too perfect. It was almost like a radio news-reader was leading the class.

Jamie's voice was bland and slightly monotone. It was almost as if she was reading off a script (which I kind of suspect she was!). I'm going to take a while guess here and speculate that this was one of the first 'prototype classes' for YogaDownload - they hadn't quite perfected their technique.

This was a good class, but it wasn't a great one. It was technically perfect, but had no character.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but what it needed was a dash of good, old-fashioned, new-age flakiness. It needed some 'yoga teacher voice'.

I had a good practice though, and it was exactly the right amount of yoga to fit into this busy day. I teach today, then I'm meeting up with the girlfriend for a nice dinner out followed by the Festival of Lights parade to celebrate the Solstice. We're also exchanging our gifts tonight. I already know what I'm getting: socks and the latest DVD set for Grey's Anatomy.

No doubt, we'll lay around watching DVDs and eating chocolate until the wee hours!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Sounds like a nice evening. Happy Days!