Monday, February 16, 2009


Today was a holiday. In Ontario, it's 'Family Day'. Mainly, this is just an excuse to have a holiday in February. We were kind of jealous of Presidents Day. ;-) I'm not complaining, though.

I slept in this morning and with the unfolding of the day, yoga didn't happen until the evening.

I intended to do full Primary. I unrolled the mat and started sun salutations. But within minutes there was a crisis in the works. A hard drive had failed and I was needed for tech support. Soon I was troubleshooting in between salutations, surfing forums between poses and doing poses in the kitchen as I advised from my laptop. I stopped halfway because it was getting too complicated.

I was never able to get the hard drive back. Let this be a lesson to all of us: back up your data! And if you really want to get a full practice in, better not sleep in!

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