Monday, September 21, 2009


It's funny, 'thinking' about doing the Primary Series is often far more traumatic than actually doing it. At least, that's how if felt today. As I stepped on the mat, I was all “Hm, do I really want to put myself through this?” By the time I was half-way through, I was all “Everything about this feels easy!” It doesn't always unfold that way and I'm always grateful to have a good practice (today definitely was).

Urdhva Dhanurasana was interesting today. I usually feel it in my arms and shoulders, or in my back. Today, I felt an intense stretch sensaton across the front of my pelvis. It felt incredible. The pose felt very open. I rocked the closing poses. I miss Sarvangasana and Sirsasana when I'm not doing them regularly. Maybe I should add them to the end of vinyasa sequences when I'm not practising

My practice is shifting slightly and part of the shift is towards shorter practices. This will become even more apparent next week when I'm back to teaching 15 classes a week. I've always noticed this shift, but this year it's been particularly stark, probably because I'm practising every day without fail. I just don't have the energy for an hour-and-a-half Astanga marathon on most days.

When the schedule kicks in, Sunday will be my only true day off. I'm thinking of creating a yoga 'schedule' for myself with lighter practices on the heavy teaching days.

P.S. Finally catching up on my comments. Sorry I haven't been responding properly, everyone. Too busy being LAZY!!! :-)

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