Wednesday, September 16, 2009


This morning, I made a goal to be out of bed, cleaned up, apartment tidy, dog brushed and out walking before 8 a.m. I almost did it. I was walking by 8:10. I think I should get extra credit points for even getting out of bed this morning because I was incredibly groggy.

A couple years ago, I spent an insane amount of money on a Garmin GPS wristwatch pedometer. Even though I do use it a *lot*, it's one of those purchases that I've always sort of questioned. I mean, it's neat, but who really *needs* a GPS pedometer? Especially since I tend to take the same walk on the same route every single day. The pedometer serves more as a record keeper than anything else.

Lately, I've been getting bored of my walks and it occurred to me: why not switch things up and walk someplace different? Every day? The pedometer tracks my kilometres no matter where I go - that was the reason for buying it.

Each day this week, I've headed out in a different direction. The dog is fascinated and determined to mark every single tree and fire hydrant. Yesterday, I noticed that the first maples are beginning to turn, bright fire engine red leaves against the blue sky. This morning, I didn't noticed any autumn leaves but it seemed like every yard in that neighbourhood had hostas. Friendly neighbours, other walks are interesting again.

After my walk, I practised Astanga, the full Primary series today. I managed to bind in Supta Kurmasana *and* cross my ankles. On Monday, my Garba Pindasana was exceptional - I was able to lift my hands to my chin. Couldn't do it today, though. There's a balance to be struck between not enough water on the arms and legs (allowing the arms will slide through the eensy-weensy holes in the legs) and too much (can't keep my arms in place to do Kukutasana).

I practised Kapalabhati today, 5 rounds of 20 breath cycles.

(No, this isn't me, but the video clip does a nice job of showing what Kapalabhati is without a lot of discussion).

It's chilly today, 18C out. Not warm enough for hammocking or other outdoor shenanigans. So I'm going to make butter cookies instead.


susananda said...

Oh, I SO miss Canada and the beautiful red maple leaves in fall!

Can't believe you swim in Lake Ontario, by the way! Brrr. I used to take the ferry over to the island all the time for canoe regattas, way back when, when that was my thing.

Kaivalya said...

It took me 10 years to work up the nerve to swim in Canadian lakes. It really is COLD. I find the best strategy is to walk into the water until it's knee-level, then take a big breath and dunk. For about 5 seconds, it's excruciating, then it's fine. It's getting a bit too cold now though. ;-)

susananda said...

I'm from Oakville and used to do canoe/kayak racing, often at the island, sometimes at 'Balmy Beach' and 'West Rouge' clubs... getting into the boat with no docks would freeze the shins even in summer, and if the swell was up a bit and you took a tip, brr! Fond memories :)

susananda said...

I'm from Oakville and used to do canoe/kayak racing, often at the island, sometimes at 'Balmy Beach' and 'West Rouge' clubs... getting into the boat with no docks would freeze the shins even in summer, and if the swell was up a bit and you took a tip, brr! Fond memories :)