Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I taught a noon class today, so I was really scrambling to get the closing poses in before getting cleaned up and ready to go. I hate to rush my practice. On some days, it feels like yoga takes up such a substantial chunk of the day. When I'm enjoying my practice, that isn't a problem, but if I'm having quarrels with my practice, it can be difficult.

Today, I did the full Primary, but I skimped on some poses. I bound to fingers in Mari C, didn't bind at all in Mari D, tried to bind in Supta Kurmasana but gave up. I was very distracted, composing a grocery list in my head as I did the seated poses. I usually do handstand in my practice, but didn't today (to save time). I spent less than a minute in Savasana - I was watching the clock by the end of my practice.

I spent a lot of time outdoors today because the weather is beautiful. I biked out to the west end of the city, then I got some groceries. I went hooping the park again. Amazing how hooping gets easier and easier the more I practice (like anything else, I guess!). I taught an early evening class, then I played my guitar in the park.

And *then*....I ate leftover lasagna and watched junk T.V. until late. So much for that healthy lifestyle I was planning, eh?


Michelle said...

Sounds like a great day. I could never have the energy to do all that. Wow! And, if you please, what is hooping?

Unknown said...

I'm so impressed by your commitment to yoga... I have the lovely opportunity to pass some fun your way! you can see it at:


Peace, Love and Blessings!