Saturday, May 23, 2009


I was all about the good intentions today, but not about the execution. I had intended to get up early to practice a full Primary before riding to my morning class, but I slept in instead. I had intended to go to a city-wide open house that happens each year, but ended up lounging around the apartment instead.

I had a nice day, though. Sometimes, a lazy day is exactly the right thing.

And I did squeeze in the Swenson short form.

And administrative note:
I've been working on this website, making some changes to the format of the posts and adding tags.

For simplicity, I'm giving each post the name of the style of yoga I practised that day. This allows me to see, at a glance, what I've been doing each day. It also saves me from the mental gymnastics of coming up with post names, which was getting really old.

I like tags a lot, so I'm going to start using them. The tags offer further details, like full or half Primary, short form, backbends, ect. There are tags for some individual poses that I'm working consistently on. I'm also tagging posts that contain non-yoga content, like 'guitar'. There are over 400 posts, so the tags will be appearing gradually in the archives as I have a chance to add them.

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