Thursday, June 19, 2008

Day 277

I ended up taking the Moon Day after all. As my day unfolded, a practice simply didn't manifest and I was fine with that.

As it was, I had a great Moon Day! The morning was lazy. In the afternoon, I met up with fellow CRONista and blogger April. We enjoyed a fabulous CRON-friendly meal at one of my favourite neighbourhood restaurants and did some shopping (in between rain showers). We even wandered through Honest Ed's! Then we took the subway to the west end of the city and walked in High Park, stopping by the Labyrinth and ending up at the Grenadier Café with green tea and great conversation (lots of talk about CR, yoga and our spiritual pursuits). When I delivered April back to the hotel, her partner MR came down to chat with me!

Great conversation with like minded, bright people always makes me really excited and happy! And now I'm all the more eager to attend a CR convention.

Practice today, alas, was sluggish and slow. I've been meeting up with friends all week and eating foods that I'm unaccustomed too. For example, I normally don't eat very much salt and I think the amount I've been consuming lately has caused me to retain water and bloat. My body feels bruised and swollen. I'm considering fasting tomorrow to re-introduce some equilibrium back into my system.

I think my body is also still affected by the cold I had on Monday. I'm nearly back to 100% (just a mild sniffle remains), but occasionally I feel sapped out.

My practice ebbs and flows - right now it's ebbing. Soon it will flow again.


alfia said...

Hi, Kai!
I am glad you are feeling better fromyour cold and I like your attitude toward your practice. I get upset when my practice sucks. I should just adopt your serene attitude.
Happy solstice day!

Anonymous said...

hey, are you in toronto?
i didn't realize that...

Kaivalya said...

Thanks, Alfia! I had a good Solstice, though I wish the weather would warm up a bit!

Krista: Yes, I'm in Toronto - I live downtown.