I don't want to be one of those bloggers who leaves in a huff and is back five minutes later (and is gone again with the next half hour). That's not what this is about, anyway.
There's no drama around this decision, just an acknowledgment that my relationship with this blog has changed, my practice has changed and I'm not longer at ease with chronicling it here. I feel like I have my hands full with my practice without worrying about translating the experience into words.
I'm keeping the archives up, in hopes that they'll be helpful to other 'reluctant ashtangis' on the path. I also want to leave it open, as there's a chance I might pop in from time to time with a quick update, so keep me in your RSS reader if you want to follow along.
This blog was born out of rough practice notes as I stumbled along teaching myself a style of yoga I knew next to nothing about. I was amazed and delighted when an entire community of practitioners opened up to me. You've all inspired me, offered encouragement and advice, and I doubt I would still be doing this without you. I've made true friends, had my 15 seconds of fame in Yoga Journal, won a handful of awards, and connected with people around the world.
It's been absolutely awesome. And it's been a privilege to be a part of this community. I want to thank you for reading, commenting and helping me feel so at home in Astanga. My practice will, of course, continue.
P.S. If you'd like to stay in touch, I'm still on Gmail. My handle is 'reluctantashtangi'.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
I'm sorry to see you go - I've always enjoyed your blog! I'm happy for you though that it sounds like this decision comes from more of a not-needing-to-blog-anymore rather than a needing-to-not-blog-anymore, if that distinction makes sense.
Farewell for now! All the best. :)
OMG I already miss you! All the best! I might send you an email to tell you about how important your blog has been to me! All the best again!Anna
Best wishes, Kai! I'll miss your musings.
I appreciate the time and energy you have used towards us all out here. The act of writing it down, the act of putting it out there, and the act of turning energy towards its purpose all require intention. Without that, it all becomes simply another pattern.
Thank you. We take hold, we let go. Sometimes we see the attachment, sometimes we crave the letting go. When the balance comes, rejoice.
I have been reading your blog for over a year now. Always looked forward to new posts. Will miss you very much! Thank you so much.
Oh so sad! I think your blog was pretty much always my first read on a daily basis. Thank you for your insight!
Like many others, I have really enjoyed reading your blog. Thank you so much for sharing your journey so far in detail. I will miss reading your posts but I can completely appreciate your decision. I hope that your practice continues to make you happy and that you have a long and amazing journey with ashtanga.
I've really enjoyed your blog and will miss your writing and insights. Best of luck, enjoy your practice :)
dear Kai, waah. well i know i can catch you elsewhere. your dedication is an inspiration. and your writing has been fun to read.
big hug
I wonder if I will go this way! Probably not. I was always the gone five minutes type. But tomorrow will be a week without facebook, which I found more trivial than blogging (for myself).
Less internet can be a good thing though... I will be keeping in touch!
I will miss your posts. Your blog was the first Yoga blog I found that drew me in and from here I found so many other wonderful bloggers!
I wish you all the best in the future. :)
We'll miss you Kai!
Like Gemma said, yours was the first yoga blog I found. It was a door into a great community of Ashtanga bloggers that have helped keep me inspired during the long quiet months of home practice.
Enjoy your practice!
Sorry your calling it a day, feel the same more and more and you've been doing this a year longer than I have. Will miss you.
I'm sad to see you go too. (krista from the old silent k, who took the shruti chanting class with you in toronto).
Thanks for writing as much as you did!
Thanks for keeping the contents up, I am sure it will help others, you have some fantastic tips here, I learned quite a bit from your backbending and dropping back adventures! we will miss you.
Secretly hoping you'll come back.... I have once or twice in my blogging career...! ;) Namaste!
Sorry to hear this - but as a blogger I can totally understand how you feel. I hope your practice and teaching continue to flourish!
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