Thursday, January 22, 2009


WoYoPracMo, Day 22.

One of the things I love about Astanga is that it just is what it is - it's a sequence. When I don't feel like messing around with a video or DVD, or figuring out what I want to do on the mat, Astanga comes through for me. I know the Primary Series by heart - all I need to do is unroll a mat and get to it.

So that's what I did today. I had 40 minutes to spare in the afternoon (busy teaching day, I was between classes). So I unrolled the mat and jumped right into sun salutations. Sometimes doing a daily yoga practice reminds me of jumping in a cold lake. You can't just put your toe in and test things out because you'll never get in. Best to just jump all at once.

I had a good practice. After the backbending practice I did yesterday, my legs felt very tired, but I didn't notice anything else out of the ordinary. Today, though, I noticed that my shoulders were a lot more open in the Mari's. That might be due to the 6+ Urdhva Dhanurasanas I did, which I held for approximately 10 years each! *eye roll*

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