Sunday, May 4, 2008

Day 246

Today was a wonderful, full, exciting day! I travelled outside the city for a brief (6 hour) jaunt. It was a perfect day - blue skies, sunshine. We drove out to a cute town, walked along the sparkling blue river and talked and talked and talked. There were flowering trees everywhere - it was so beautiful. The time flew by far too quickly and before I knew it, I was on the bus back to the city.

Alas, back to reality.

It was nice to get back to the mat this morning after a four-day holiday. Whenever I come off a period of not practising, it always feels a bit odd to unroll the mat and set up. But as soon as I start the first sun salutation, it's like coming home.

I set my alarm and got up to practise early, before I went to the bus station. By prioritizing my practice in this way, I felt like I was making an important statement to myself: I have a new person in my life, but yoga and making this time for myself is still a priority. In the past, I've often been side-tracked by people/work/new routines and allowed my yoga practice to slide. In the past year, I've worked hard to create a place of refuge for myself in my yoga and meditation practice. I've integrated it into my life is a very real, conscious way.

I didn't do the Primary Series during my Ladies' Holiday, but I did dabble a bit. ;-) One morning, I did a 20 minute 'wake-up' practice I found on the Yoga Journal website. I did my usual spontaneous forward bends and some down dogs here and there and I know I did more demos than I will typically do when teaching my classes, just because my body was hungry for some yoga.

Yesterday (my day off), I spent the afternoon reading and doing handstands. I would read for a awhile, then do a few handstands. Read, more handstands. I'm feeling more and more like I'm 'lifting up' into the handstand, rather than kicking up. It's a very strong, powerful feeling! I've also discovered something: In that moment after I've lifted up, but before I straightened my legs, I can actually hover and balance there for a few seconds. Exciting!

Except, my wrist was sore this morning in Urdhva Mukha Svanasana. Need to be careful not to overdo it!


Michelle said...

Isn't it wonderful to be feeling the way you are? I am happy for you. After all it is spring!

alfia said...

Wow, that sounds like a lot of progress in a handstand! I need to catch up with you! :D

Kaivalya said...

Michelle: Thanks - it *is* wonderful. This is turning out to be a particularly beautiful spring for me! :-)

Alfia: I'm sure you're close on my heels. And I'm far, far away from any AnaForrestMadSkillz so you have time! ;-)