Sunday, February 24, 2008

Day 196

I had a very busy weekend. My 'day off' was a hard day. This is amusing, given that I had enjoyed last Saturday so much, I simply *expected* this Saturday to be absolutely fabulous too. Ah, attachment! The King streetcar wasn't running on time in the morning and after just barely missing a streetcar (it was pulling away as I ascended from the subway) I waited for over a half-hour for the next one. Fortunately, I allow extra time in case this happens, but it meant that instead of having a leisurely coffee at the club, I was sprinting down Sherbourne frantically trying to make it on time.

I was beset my a whole variety of other mishaps, but here's my favourite one - it still makes me giggle (in retrospect) when I think about it. I was at the market and feeling peckish so I decided to treat myself to a samosa from my favourite vendor in the North Market. I lined up politely and was just about to ask for a vegetarian samosa when a couple cut in front of me. They were very demanding, so in the interest of harmony, I let it slide. I was in no hurry and besides, there was a whole bucket of samosas. They proceeded to buy the entire lot - in fact, there was one vegetarian samosa left and the guy said “Oh, give me that one too.” By the time it was my 'turn', the only remaining samosas were chicken. Bah.

So I had a peanut butter cookie for lunch and was just a bit sulky about it. ;-)

Today, I was absent from the soup kitchen, opting instead to skate and do a bit of shopping. Williams Sonoma got a bunch of my money and I got a baking stone and pizza peel for my continuing adventures in bread making. This is really turning into quite a hobby for me, on the same scale that knitting seems to be for Bindi. I stopped by the bookstore and got a copy of 'Artisan Breads in Five Minutes a Day.' I love this book so much. It's a *cookbook* and yet I can't stop reading it. I hugged it to my chest all the way home on the subway, overjoyed to have it.

I prepared the dough last night and today, I baked bread. And it was very, very good!

I did a 'laundry practice' this morning, because somehow my laundry didn't end up getting done yesterday. Although running to the laundry room truncates my practice a bit, it also slows me down and I'll often take the time to explore certain poses more deeply. Today, it was the backbends. I really savoured them. Handstands were okay today - no Chewbaka moments.

Musical Sirsasana was 'Full of Grace' by Sarah McLachlan. I didn't choose this song, it just happened to come up. Perhaps there's a message in it for me.


Yogamum said...

This made me chuckle because I have been reading that book a lot too. I love reading cookbooks. I baked another loaf today. Yum.

Kaivalya said...

The bread is amazing. It may have been on your blog that I first heard of that book - at any rate, thanks!

Bread-making seems to be sweeping the AshtangiBlogisphere. Seems to me that bread-baking is quite compatible with Ashtanga, since a hot oven heats up a room very nicely! ;-)